Friday, May 8, 2015

Kitchen Art

After my visit to Mexico I needed to make something to honour that amazing culture. I decided to start with food: a lot of very important foods we enjoy today are originally from Central and South America. Some travelled with migrants thousands of years ago, like cocoa. Some travelled with the Europeans that conquered the Americas, like tomatoes. That is why, today  I decided to make samples of important foods I love, to accompany my kitchen, or yours.

Another reason for producing this series is that I think of my work in the kitchen as art. The art of cooking healthy, sustainable, tasty and good looking meals. The art of setting the table with a nice layout, inviting colours, useful utensils. The art of hosting a gathering, the expectation of seeing friends, welcoming music, anticipating some moments during the event when you will call everybody for a highlight such as breaking the piñata. And most important making everyone feel special.

Below you will find images of the process used for the Kitchen Art, and some finished samples.

sketch on paper, wood cutout, paper collage, finished collection of CHILES


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