Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Five Organs, Now Seven

I am about to finish the Five Organs, but ended up having enough material for seven. Like having too much sauce and little bread. So now I have to go and cut two more organ shapes to add to the initial group. The Group of Five became the Group of Seven, just like the books we read as children. To maintain the cohesion of form I need to remember to follow a similar process: how to flow while standing still on one emotion. I am trying to feel hoe the emotions are related to organs.

For each organ, I have been attentive the way each organ feels like inside my body. Some are easy to track and sense, like the large intestine, as it works in direct relation with eating habits and diet. Other organs I am only aware of when there is something wrong with them, like the kidneys: I feel them when they are working harder. Yet the one organ I have not been able to feel at all is the liver, I wonder if any one has. I will keep working on this elusive one, and I will let you know of my findings.

My main resource is "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" by Christiane Morthurp, M.D.