Thursday, July 31, 2014

Opening of Whispers Tonight!

Today Charles Smith and Judith Manger travel from Toronto for the opening of the show Whispers. The work is up, and the performance will start at 6:30 pm.  Charles will recite his poems, Judith will play her cello and I will draw on a wall and I perform with coloured shapes and drawing.  I want to invite the visitors to join me during the performance to draw and make figures, I hope some join in.  I am already nervous, like guys must feel when asking girls to dance.  There is always the possibility of a no thank you, so I will have to ask another dancer.  Here is how the gallery looks now, tomorrow I will post photos of the drawings and soon I will upload a video of the performance.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Blink Gallery will be showing Whispers, a collective art work by three artists of different disciplines: Judith Manger, cellist. charles c smith, poet. And me.

The three of us have been working on the theme Healing, and we presented a proposal to Blink Gallery to show our work as a collective. They accepted it and the time has come. From Thursday July 31 until Sunday August 3 we will be at the gallery performing and exhibiting. Charles will read his poems, Judith will play her cello, I will show my pieces. I also want to draw on the wall, perhaps graphite powder and maple syrup. I haven't decided yet.

Here, a sample of the work.