Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When Does a Trip Begin?

In a few days I am going to visit Mexico, and preparing the trip feels like I am already on my way. I decided to include an art project: I want to create a mono-print every day of my visit. At the end I will end up with at least twelve different images. I will scratch and print a single plexiglass sheet every day. The supplies needed are inks, paper, rollers, spatulas, and the Pin Press. I am already trying the process at home, getting into the routine of a daily exercise. The visit includes Mexico City and Oaxaca, and I intend to post some of the resulting art work on this blog.

Furthermore, thanks to friends in Mexico, I have contacts with two graphic art studios in Oaxaca that are willing to have me for an afternoon each, to share what I do and to and learn from them. I am very excited about the prospect of meeting artists and art studios during my travel. Thank you friends for making this project possible!

The images underneath are a sample of the prep work, as a warm up before departure. Prep work will be a training routine for the mono-prints I will produce in Mexico. Every day I will add a new image to this post, until the day we leave. This exercise will put me in shape, and will ensure I pack all the supplies required for the work. Here are three samples of the mono-prints:

Day 1 prep work:

Day 2 prep work:

Day 3 prep work:

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